Real estate
agents you trust
Schmargendorf BÜRO
+49 30 286 644 17
Kirchstr. 4, 14199 Berlin
(nur nach vorheriger Terminabsprache)
Friedenau BÜRO
+49 30 286 644 18
Perelsplatz 17, 12159 Berlin
Schöneberg BÜRO
+49 30 286 644 17
Motzstr. 9 10777 Berlin
(nur nach vorheriger Terminabsprache)

It is always the right time to buy a property. We are here to help you find the property in the area of your choice at the right price. Buying a property is about trust and expertise.

There are many reasons to sell a property. Get comprehensive, thorough, and competent advice on selling your property. We offer the perfect combination of trust, expertise, and negotiation skills.

Whether it is a single or multi-family house, a private property, a commercial unit, a rented apartment, or a pure capital investment: the management of your property is in the best hands with our experts at DARNA IMMOBILIEN.
“DARNA” comes from Old Arabic and means “Our Home”. That is exactly why DARNA is not just about finding a beautiful property, but a safe home in which you feel most comfortable and are accepted the way you are.
No matter, what your sexual orientation is or where you come from – every community longs for a good, safe home, free from any discrimination.
Aren’t we still confronted with common prejudices when looking for or when selling a property?
The most important thing for DARNA is to provide safe homes, putting you at ease with your surroundings.
We are a proudly queer-owned and -run Real Estate Agency. DARNA has a zero-tolerance attitude towards all forms of discrimination. We work across all communities, free of prejudices and preferences. Our success confirms that we are right!
In recent years DARNA has built a large network of partners in the dynamically growing real estate markets of Berlin and Brandenburg. Property owners and managers like to do business with our clients, who are appreciated for their open-mindedness. Our clients take good care of their homes and properties, making everyone around happy!
We dedicate our time with passion and trust to help you find, sell or evaluate the perfect property. We cooperate closely with different partners to supply tailor-made services to you. This allows us to serve you at our best and be your favorite realtors.
We speak German, English, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Czech.
Start Your Search Today
Then let us do the work and we’ll take care of everything for you!